E-mails not reaching their destination

We have enabled a tool that restricts the email IDs which can be used for sending emails through scripts, to prevent spamming. In case you wish to use an email address to send an email using the PHP mail function, please ensure to register it in the cPanel.

How do I register an email ID?

Step 1: Login to the cPanel

Step 2: Navigate to the Registered mail IDs page
Click on Registered mail IDs under the Email section.

Step 3: Register the Email ID
Enter the email ID you wish to register and click on Submit.


In an attempt to keep a check on abuse from HostCab's Shared Hosting servers, the following conditions have been set for mail scripts:

The domain name in either the To or the From email address used in the script should be your domain name hosted with HostCab.

Example: yourdomain.com is hosted with HostCab and yourotherdomain1.com and yourotherdomain2.com are hosted with some other hosting provider.

The mail will be sent if

- the From email address is abc@yourdomain.com and the To email address is xyz@yourotherdomain1.com,


- the From email address is abc@yourotherdomain1.com and the To email address is xyz@yourdomain.com.

The mail will not be sent if the From email address is abc@yourotherdomain1.com and the To email address is xyz@yourotherdomain2.com.